elections, politics,leaders, politics essay, indian elections, indian politics


A country can reach its goals only when opposition and government work together. Government and opposition may not work together on every aspect, the opposition’s duty is to question and criticise the works of government and the intention or motive behind such acts must be to welcome development but not to gain power.

But this is not the case both of them forget their main roles and indulge in dirty criticism to grab power. This set of acts may not affect these parties, but the common man will surely get affected.

Few Politicians at present times are craving power not for development but for pride, personal strength and money. These politicians are even willing to go to any extent in getting to power like indulging in fake promises, using muscle and money power to get votes.

Major problems or obstacles created by few politicians in India:

Ideology: A sheep’s cloth for greedy wolves?

In any country, political parties are distinguished and formed on their ideologies. Every country has two or more ideologies that present the voter a choice for them to choose.

It is the alikeness in thinking and ideologies which attract an individual to support a party. But as years progressed in India this was completely changed. The chances of winnability and the strength in holding muscle and money are the factors that are considered by present-day politicians (few) in joining a party.

From the initial step of joining a party, the thought process of these politicians is distressing to the democracy of India. These unethical and dishonoured politicians don’t believe in their parties’ ideologies and are using these ideologies only as a sugar coating to get votes.

  As years progressed these kinds of politicians are seen more and more. There are few instances where a politician changes parties more than twice in a single day. The saying of ‘Aaya Ram Gaya Ram’ is a famous example of this.

The greed for power and money among few politicians projects a dreadful situation prevailing in Indian politics. Such horrendous behaviour shall not be tolerated at any cost. 

Unrealistic False Promises a weapon to power?

During present times few political leaders are engaging in fake promises to gain an advantage over their opponents.

There are many instances where a promise mentioned in the election manifesto was not fulfilled at all even on getting to power. These shockingly horrifying politicians knowingly make these false promises just to mobilise a large number of votes.

They consider the public to be naïve, innocent and fools while making those promises.  In a way, these politicians can be said to be using deceit and misleading techniques to trick the innocent public. These politicians make these false promises and after winning in elections they may even go against what they earlier said.

As they don’t sign any legal document which tells them they must have to do all the things mentioned in the manifesto which shall be challenged in court. 

These false promises are very much calculated by these politicians. They make certain false promises which can appeal to a large amount of audience.

After experiencing the present politics across India, it is right to say that Unrealistic False promises a very effective weapon to power. 

Criminalisation in Politics

Several people believe that “Every Politician is a crook”. The current state of crime and politics in India is surprising and alarming.

As per the latest report, 43% of parliamentarians of India are involved in current criminal prosecutions, and roughly 21% are facing charges that, if proven, would result in prison time.

Almost 50% of the members of parliament had ongoing criminal complaints this fact surprises and terrifies every individual living in this country.

As per the affidavits submitted by the legislature the total strength of MP’s and MLA’s in India is 4,896 together in 2019, it was revealed that out of 4,896 4,845 had criminal charges filed against them. There are almost 650 political parties in India and a country with a population of 135 crores(approximately), the fact that every political party can’t find ‘clean’ candidates is worrisome. 

As per ADR with National watch report on affidavits of 2014 Lok Sabha general election has revealed that a candidate with a criminal history is twice more likely to win against a candidate with no criminal history.

When social distinctions driven by caste and/or religion are sharp and the government fails to execute out its functions—delivering services, dispensing justice, or providing security—in an unbiased manner, voters support offenders’ candidates in constituencies.


Arguments FOR Educational Qualifications for politicians:

Representative of the people:

After getting elected, politicians become representatives of the people living in their constituency. Education is a must for knowing the problems and straight away solving them. Politicians should have a basic level of knowledge since they represent the people of the society from whom they were elected.


With basic education, a politician will be able to identify the importance of one developmental activity over another. A politician with education knows about the problems in every aspect of society.

How can one expect a politician to solve societal problems and carry out progress in any area if the politician lacks proper education? 

Voice for Education

According to National Statistical office data on literacy, the average literacy rate in India is at 77.70 %. The nation as well as the individual needs to be literate. If a politician is not educated, he would not be willing to tell others to get an education.

The education of a politician is important for progress in education in his/her constituency. An educated politician can be voice for education for others.

Impact at national and international level

In our modern environment, education is a feasible and critical component. We regard the politician as a capable leader capable of guiding us and making sound decisions. However, what impact will politicians have on a local, national, or worldwide level if they lack a proper intellectual background?

Low-qualified politicians will be unable to cope with global changes and will be unable to comprehend diplomatic crises with other countries.

Arguments AGAINST Educational Qualifications for politicians:

  • 1. Education is not the ultimate source for gaining knowledge. Knowledge can be gained through various sources. It’s plausible that the notion that only educated people can grow a country is incorrect. One example of those various sources is Experience, one gains a lot of knowledge through experience rather than education. 
  • 2. Becoming a politician, one faces many hurdles and as a large population in India is still illiterate it would make their situation far worse. India is a vast country with various communities and sects. There are still people who lived their entire lives as tribals in forest without education. So, it would worsen their troubles if such requirement were imposed.
  • 3. Majority of the population in India are still living in villages where illiteracy rate is very high. Sudden imposition of educational qualifications would impact democracy in a negative way. 
  • 4. It isn’t really a inference that qualified people have a broader mind to help others and are honest with high ethical ideals. There are several examples of persons during pre-independence era and even few at nowadays with lower qualifications making more sacrifices for the country and its people.

Present Situation in India on Educational Qualification to become a Politician:

There are a few requirements like on age of the person contesting for and the person has to be a citizen of India. Nowhere in the constitution of India Educational qualifications are mentioned for being a Politician. 


A politician being educated will solve some problems, but education is not the ultimate thing for a person.

It is still better for a politician to be fundamentally educated rather than uneducated. Having said that, having politicians with fundamental education and a desire to serve the people who have elected them is also desirable.

Time is the best teacher for anyone. Every person gains knowledge more with experience rather than with formal education. Experiences teach us life skills whereas formal education will not. There is no link between education and dedication. 

However, in today’s world, education is essential for understanding the world and society. However, we cannot say that merely formal education will suffice. It would also be impractical to say that education will clear all the problems caused by insincere and dishonourable politicians.

Education will not alter the behaviour or attitude of a person; it is the people who have to carefully employ rational and sound reasoning while voting for a particular candidate.


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