There aren’t any real victors in wars as all parties concerned need to suffer the implications with typically high numbers of casualties on either side. instead of handling the implications ensuing from war and its end.
The effects of the war are widespread and can be long-lasting or temporary. Soldiers deal with war differently from ordinary people, even though they suffer in times of war, and women and children suffer especially indescribable atrocities.
In the last ten years, some two million people have been killed in wars during child wars. Widespread suffering caused by these atrocities and the suffering of civilians is another legacy of these conflicts, which in turn creates intense emotional and psychological distress.
Today’s civil wars often wreak havoc on civilians rather than the wars of the nations. This is due to a growing practice in which the military has made targeting civilians a strategic goal.
Conflict of arms is an armed conflict that occurs through the use of weapons between two parties, one of which is the national government.
The effects of the war include the catastrophic destruction of cities and the long-term effects on the global economy. Armed conflict has a significant negative impact on infrastructure, public health, and social order. These side effects are often overlooked and overlooked.
WAR – Affects Human Societies
Wars erupt for a variety of reasons. There are wars between nations or nations and between nations. The latter is often referred to as civil war and is likely to result from racial, religious, social, and economic differences, among others.
Whether wars are fought between countries (foreign countries) or within a country between different sections of society, the consequences are devastating.
The effects of war both physically and mentally. Human societies have been severely affected by wars as settlements, public infrastructure, hospitals and the very fabric of human life have been destroyed.
Wars bring immeasurable sorrow and political and economic instability. People’s lives and everyday lives are at stake. It can be hard to find work or to live our daily life.
People are being evacuated and should always be on the move to be safe. Some have emotional and physical scars for the rest of their lives.
War destroys communities and families and often disrupts the social and economic development of nations. The effects of the war include long-term physical and psychological damage to children and adults, as well as a decrease in property and population.
The death toll from the wars is just the tip of the iceberg. Other consequences, other than death, are not well documented. It includes current poverty, malnutrition, disability, economic/social decline and mental illness, to name a few.
Only with a greater understanding of the conflicts and the multitude of mental health problems from which they come, can coherent and effective strategies for dealing with such problems be developed.
Politics and Economy
The far-reaching political impact of war is the fact that it can destroy states and society. During the war, civil liberties are being curtailed. Under emergency or military law, freedom of speech and freedom of choice and the activities of political parties and civil society are often severely restricted.
Both inside and out, enemy images are created. Mistrust grows among dissenting citizens, while relations with opposition or ‘enemy’ regions are shattered and poisoned for years.
The economy may have devastating effects during and after the war. According to Shank, “the unintended negative consequences come along with the war or develop as a residual consequence thus disrupting the economy over time”.
In 2012 the impact of war and economic violence was estimated at 11% of gross world product (GWP) or $ 9.46 trillion.
The daily activities of the community or country are disrupted and property may be damaged. When people get lost, they are unable to continue working or keep their businesses open, causing damage to the economies of the countries involved.
The government may decide to allocate funds to fund military efforts, leaving some institutions with little or no budget.
Destruction of Infrastructure
Damage to infrastructure can lead to a catastrophic decline in social infrastructure, infrastructure, education and the health care system. The destruction of schools and education infrastructure has led to a decline in education in many war-torn countries.
If a particular infrastructure is severely damaged or damaged, it can cause serious disruption to other systems such as the economy. This includes the loss of certain transport routes in the city that could make it impossible for the economy to function properly.
For example, warring factions often destroy bridges to isolate themselves from invaders, thus creating barriers to movement both in the short term (eviction) and also in the long run, once the control lines are redesigned.
In times of economic crisis, poverty is on the rise, leading to a decline in education. More than half the world’s illiterate children are forced to live in fragile conflict-torn regions. According to a UNESCO report, “The worst-affected groups are those who have suffered multiple incarcerations, for example on the basis of gender, location, domestic wealth, language, and ethnicity.”
One of the most devastating effects of the conflict on education is the increasing number of attacks on schools with children, teachers and school buildings becoming victims of violence. In wartime teachers and students often suffer death or expulsion.
This prevents the opening of schools and increases teacher absenteeism. In the case of Iraq, boys were excluded from school to work for their families, so the educational gap between men and women narrowed.
War contributes to the destruction of the environment in two important ways. The first is the direct effects of killing the indigenous biota, the second is the indirect effects of depriving the species of resources needed for survival or their entire habitat.
To the public, the use of uranium (DU) depleted by U.S. forces during the Persian Gulf War raised allegations that the deployed DU was the cause of a group of cancers in southern Iraq.
In addition, due to the United States government’s approval of Agent Orange’s defoliant toxicity during the Vietnam War, it is estimated that 400,000 Vietnamese governments were killed or maimed by it, 200,000 have cancer, and 500,000 were born with congenital malformations.
The emergence of a variety of psychological symptoms and syndromes in communities in conflicting conditions has been extensively documented by available research. However, the study also provides evidence of the resilience of more than half of the population in the face of extreme hostility in war situations.
There is no doubt that people in war and conflict situations should receive mental health care as part of the processes of complete release, rehabilitation and rebuilding. As was the case in the first half of the 20th century, when war was a major force in the developing minds of mental health, researching the psychological consequences of the wars of the present century could add new insights and solutions to general mental health problems of people.