Case Study Competition “CaseCrusade” by MNLU, Nagpur

MNLU Nagpur is inviting participation in its Case Study Competition – “CaseCrusade”.

About MNLU, Nagpur

Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur was established by the Maharashtra Government by the enactment of the Maharashtra National Law University Act (Maharashtra Act No. VI of 2014) and the University takes pride in being the nineteenth National Law University in the country. The university offers B.A.LL.B. (Hons.), B.B.A.LL.B. (Hons.), B.A.LL.B. (Hons. In Adjudication and Justicing), LLM and PhD programmes.

The University is making rapid progress towards its dream of achieving excellence in the field of legal education with its dedicated faculty members, staff and students under the able guidance and supervision of its founding members, visionaries, well-wishers and members of different statutory bodies of the University.

About the Competition

Embark on a transformative journey of personal and professional development through MNLU Nagpur’s flagship Case Study Competition. This dynamic competition, comprising two compelling rounds – the preliminary and the final – is meticulously crafted to propel participants into a realm where the intricacies of law and management converge.

CaseCrusade is a case study competition that combines the intricacies of competition law with strategic management perspectives. In the Preliminary Round, registered teams will be provided with a case study that presents challenges from both legal and management standpoints. The objectives for your team are to analyze the case thoroughly, identify problems, propose feasible solutions, and present a well-structured case analysis.

A selected number of teams will qualify based on the results of the preliminary round submissions. Successful teams will be notified via email on 8th February 2024. The final teams will be required to present a new case study in front of the panel, followed by question- and-answer sessions.

General Details

  • Date: February 12, 2024 for final round.
  • Mode: Online

Eligibility Criteria

  • The competition is open to all undergraduate and post-graduate students from all streams.
  • Students can register solo or in teams of two.

How to Register?

  • Click on the link provided below to register.
  • Registration fee for the competition shall be Rs. 200/- per team.

Important Dates

  • Registration deadline – 24th January 2024
  • Release of Team Code – 25th January 2024
  • Release of Case Study to all the Registered Teams – 27th January 2024
  • Submission of Case Analysis via Submission Link – 31st January 2024, 11:59 PM
  • Declaration of results of the Preliminary Round – 8th February 2024
  • Final round- 12th February 2024


  • The Winning team will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 7500/-, Shield(s), Medal(s) and Certificate(s) of Merit.
  • The Runner-up team will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 4500/-, Shield(s), Medal(s) and Certificate(s) of Merit.
  • A special prize, will be awarded to the Best Presenter worth Rs. 2000/-, Shield(s) and a Certificate(s) of Merit.
  • All participating teams will receive a Certificate of Participation.

Contact Information

In case of any query, please contact at

Click here to register.

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