
Home Month: August 2021

Aug 11, 2021 WRITE-UPS

Live-in relationship a threat to country’s social fabric?

The judges had held that in this particular scenario, since the live-in partners both knew that the woman was married and not divorced, it was a violation of the marriage prospectus of the woman and her husband, and hence in this case the concept of live-in was only affecting as a catalyst at further straining the marriage, and was one of the reasons the marriage was violated.

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Aug 10, 2021 WRITE-UPS


It all started with the detention of a Maldives lady, Mariam Rashida, in Oct 1994, on allegations of outstaying her visa, which led to the surprising detention of Narayanan, the head of the Indian Space Research Organization’s (ISRO) cryogenic research lab, his assistant, and many other people.

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Aug 10, 2021 WRITE-UPS


The timeline of this case goes back to 2019 when Future Retail had signed a bond with Amazon, the American e-commerce giant, letting Amazon acquire Future Coupons, a giant 49 per cent stake. Future Coupons was a promotor group of Future Retail. This indicates that Amazon indirectly owned 3.58 per cent of Future Retail.

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Aug 10, 2021 WRITE-UPS

Maratha Reservation: The timeline of Events

This was followed by another setback for the Maratha community in 2020, where on the 9th of September, the Supreme Court decided to stay the quota provided to the Maratha community, calling it unconstitutional and saying that this reservation violated the provisions set under Article 14 of the Constitution of India. The Supreme Court further said that till the verdict came out, no further reservation would be provided to the Maratha community, while those who had already availed the reservation benefits in the past would remain unaffected. Ultimately, on the 5th of May, 2021, the Supreme Court once and for all, quashed the provision of reservation for the Marathas, which has become the reason for the recent outrage and hustle.

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