Write For Us!

Home Write For Us!

We are accepting voluntary “Articles” for publishing worldwide.

How to became Guest Writer for us/Submit a New Post to us. (For Events and Opportunities)

What information to include? Please submit your post to legallock36@gmail.com and follow the below guidelines. 

Please mention the Title of the Post.

The full content of the post should be in the body of the email. Brochures, other documents, and images can be sent as attached files. (Please send the content in text/word format. Pdf files do not allow us to copy content)

The full content (body of the email) should be between 300-4k words long.

Please mention the original URL to the event/opportunity at the end of the email (If any)

To be posted on The Legal Lock, your article must be:

  • Original (not posted elsewhere) or substantively revised/updated
  • Educational rather than sales-oriented
  • Relevant, Accurate
  • No affiliate links are permitted.
  • Please use the proper attribution of any outside sources used for data, quotations, or images that you use/reference in your blog post.
  • Indian Legal Solution reserves the right to reject submissions that do not meet our editorial standards.

For Article/Blog

The word limit should be 1k-2k

Publishing is totally free for all law students!

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