Photo Production Ltd vs Securicor Transport Ltd |Case Brief

Case Name: Photo Production Ltd v Securicor Transport Ltd [1980] UKHL 2 (14 February 1980)


Plaintiffs and defendants entered into a go for that the latter was expected to supply patrolling services for the plaintiff’s industrial plant in accordance with the terms of the contract.

However, any responsibility stemming from the defendants’ workers’ default was restricted by the standardized contract, which expressed that “under no circumstances can Co. be liable for any employee’s default unless such act may be prevented by Co. as leader physical exercise due diligence.”

It conjointly restricted the damages which may result from any responsibility against Co. Plaintiffs filed suit against defendants for basic breach of contract, alleging that a watcher employed by defendants to perform patrolling services to plaintiffs set fireplace to the plaintiffs’ business.

One amongst the defendants’ staff set a minor fireplace advisedly, that quickly grew out of management and burned down the entire plant. 


In specific, might the defendants in picture Production Ltd v Securicor Transport Ltd admit the exclusion clause within the case of a basic breach? 


The House of Lords granted the defendants’ attractiveness, overturning the Court of Appeal’s finding of fact. though the breach was basic, the House dominated that it didn’t render the contract’s provisions unenforceable. additionally, the contract’s exclusion provision was with success integrated, and each party were conscious of its presence.

What is more, the House determined that the exclusion clause’s phrasing was express enough to preclude guilt for the incident. 


The defendants had united to produce an evening patrol service for the plaintiffs’ facility below a contract. the hazards that the parties were involved regarding were fireplace and theft.

A peace officer purposefully set the fireplace to the industrial plant, inflicting it to burn down. it absolutely was unclear if the worker planned to begin a touch fireplace or fully burn down the power.

The plaintiffs were presupposed to be immune from responsibility below the contract. 

The attractiveness was booming, and also the first-instance order was reinstated. it absolutely was strictly a matter of contract style to see whether or not bound terms applied to make a case for or limit responsibility. the idea of basic breach compete for no role in any respect.

The distinction between primary and secondary responsibilities was examined by the court. whereas a basic breach terminates the contract’s core duties, it’s going to not continuously terminate subsidiary obligations, like exclusion clauses.

There was no rule of law stating that responsibility couldn’t be eliminated, a lot less restricted, within the case of intentional misconduct. Parties are absolved to comply with no matter exclusions or modifications of every type of obligations they require, as long as the agreement retains the legal characteristics of a contract and doesn’t violate the equitable rule against penalties, which suggests it cannot impose on the breaker of a primary obligation a general secondary obligation to pay the opposite party a single add.