National Seminar and Paper presentation on Contemporary Trends in the Real Estate Sector of India

Home National Seminar and Paper presentation on Contemporary Trends in the Real Estate Sector of India

About Centre for Real Estate and Taxation

The Centre for Real Estate and Taxation Laws (CRAT), established in 2018, is a part of Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad, focusing on real estate and taxation laws. Its dedicated Centre aims to enhance public awareness and provide a platform for individuals to refine their skills and understand opportunities within these sectors.

About PRAEDIUM 2.0

Praedium 2.0, the second edition of the National Seminar by Centre for Real Estate and Taxation, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad, will take place on 19th and 20th April, 2024. It’s a 2 day event where first day deals with seminar and the second day deals with paper presentation. The seminar will focus on contemporary trends in India’s real estate sector, including the integration of technology, government initiatives for affordable housing, ambitious projects for smart cities, and sustainability goals. These trends reflect evolving preferences of homebuyers and investors, highlighting the industry’s ability to adapt to challenges and leverage opportunities in India’s dynamic economic and demographic environment.


Academicians, professionals, law students, and researchers are welcome to participate and submit their papers for the seminar.


The themes of Praedium 2.0 are focused on the Contemporary Trends in Real Estate Sector in India:

  1. Arbitration and Mediation in Real Estate Disputes
  2. Changing Consumer Preferences and Demographics
  3. Emerging Markets and Opportunities
  4. Government Policies and Regulations
  5. Investment and Financing Trends
  6. Real Estate Marketing and Branding Strategies
  7. Risk Management and Legal Challenges
  8. Sustainable Development and Green Initiatives 
  9. Technology Integration in Real Estate
  10. Urban Redevelopment and Revitalization

Kindly refer to the brochure for detailed sub-themes. Papers can be submitted on any other topic within the scope of theme. 


  1. The acceptance of papers is based on submitted abstracts, which will undergo a blind review process. Authors must submit a concise abstract of 300 to 400 words in English detailing their arguments before the deadline of 17-03-2024. Link for sending the abstract:
  2. The Editorial committee will decide within a few days of abstract submission and will inform the authors of the outcome. {20-03- 2024}
  3. Authors and co-authors of the selected abstracts must complete the registration process. The registration form will be sent via email to selected authors. The fee covers expenses for participation in the seminar and publication of selected papers during Praedium 2.0.(26- 03-2024}
  4. Participants can pay their registration fee via a College Bank Account after completing the registration form, and fees apply only to selected authors whose abstracts have been submitted.
  5. Academic papers accepted for Praedium 2.0 presentation will undergo review for inclusion in the final paper. Authors must submit the complete paper and presentation PPT by the 09-04-2024 deadline, following established guidelines.

Kindly Note: Only Professionals, Academicians, Research Scholars, and Teachers can appear for the event in hybrid mode.

Registration Fee:

1. For Students enrolled in undergraduate or postgraduate (Indian):

Single Author: 1000

Co-Author: 1600

2. For Professionals/Academicians/ Research Scholars/Teachers:

Single Author:1800   Online mode-1500

Co-Author:2200        Online mode-2500

3. For Internal Students:

Single author-400

Co Author-600

Submission Categories:

  • Long Articles [Between 5000 and 8000 words]
  • Essays [Between 3000 and 5000 words]

Submission Guidelines:

The final paper should be submitted only by selecting the respective abstracts. The organizers reserve the right to accept or reject submissions based on relevancy, adherence to the theme, creativity, and contribution to existing literature. All manuscripts should be the original work of the author(s). The final decision to select the manuscripts rests at the discretion of the Centre. Further, every submission should be accompanied by an abstract of around 250 – 300 words and keywords detailing the topic. The name of the author(s) should not be indicated anywhere in the manuscript itself.

The link for the Submission Form for the Final Paper shall be provided via the abstract acceptance notification mail.

Formatting Style:

  • Text- Font: Times New Roman; Size: 12; Line Spacing: 1.5; Alignment: Justified.
  • Footnotes- Font: Times New Roman; Size: 10; Line Spacing: 1; Alignment: Justified.
  • Citations: Author(s) are required to adhere to a uniform mode of citation; Bluebook 21st Edition
  • Similarity Index: up to 10% subject to plagiarism check on Turnitin
  • File Format: .doc and PDF form 
  • File Name: (Name of the Author) & (Name of the Co-Author) _CRAT NATIONAL SEMINAR
  • CRAT – SLS(H) and Jus Corpus shall retain the copyrights of the works selected for presentation for publication.


  • Best paper (Student): Rs. 20,000/-
  • Second Best (Student): Rs. 7,000/-
  • Best Paper presenter (Student): Rs. 10,000/-
  • Best Paper Presenter (Academician): Rs. 10,000/-
  • The winners will be offered an internship at the Real Estate and Regulation Authority of Telangana and prestigious firms Tatva Legal and King Stubb & Kasiva.
  • The Top 20 papers shall also be published in the Jus Corpus Law Journal, indexed at SCC Online and HeinOnline, ABCD and J-Gate.

Important Dates: 

  • Submission of Abstract: 17th March 2024
  • Confirmation of Selected Abstract: 20th March 2024
  • Deadline for Registration: 26th March 2024
  • Submission of Final Paper: 9th April 2024
  • Date of Event: 19th and 20th April 2024


@team_crat (Instagram) (email)\


Ms Shruti Singh, Assistant Professor, 

Faculty-In-Charge Email ID:

Contact No: +91 98109 86785


S Raghaveendraa Prasad, President.

Email ID:

Contact No: +916362 168 896


Mohammad Salman Muhib, Vice-President. 

Email ID:

Contact No. +91 94540 76713
