Saveetha School of Law established in 2009 aims to strive for Quality Legal Education and maintains higher standards of Legal Research and Training. With its academic autonomy together with flexibility for innovation in teaching in pursuant of excellence, the School is striving to emerge as one of the Best Institutions in the field of Legal education. Our journey has been remarkable and has grown in leaps and bounds in every possible angle. SSL also encourages students’ active participation in various extra – curricular activities such as Moot Court, Client Counseling, Community outreach programmes, Mock Trial, Seminars. Besides teaching, the School imparts special skills to the students relevant to their professional pursuit and makes them have a holistic personality.

About the Conference :

The conference on the death penalty in India will address social, ethical, and legal issues surrounding its imposition. It aims to engage all stakeholders of the criminal justice system, including accused individuals, victims, police, prosecution, defense counsel, courts, correctional authorities, and academicians associated with death penalty laws. The primary objective is to explore the challenges and opportunities presented by the death penalty regime in India.

Key topics for discussion include the constitutional validity of the death penalty, fairness in the trial process, the role of
mitigating factors, the impact on victims’ families and society and the media’s role in shaping public perceptions. The
conference will commence with an overview of the existing legal framework governing the death penalty, encompassing
relevant provisions in criminal law and defense statutes. It seeks to comprehensively examine various dimensions of the death penalty in India and assess the path forward.

The event aims to provide a platform for informed and critical dialogue on this complex and controversial issue within India. During the conference, scholars who have conducted research on the death penalty in India will present their findings, including studies on patterns of death penalty sentencing across the country and its impact on the criminal justice system.

This discussion will include considerations of potential reforms to the legal framework governing the death penalty and the role of civil society in advocating for abolition. The overall objective is to achieve a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the death penalty’s implications for justice and human rights in India.
In conclusion, the death penalty conference in India seeks to explore the multifaceted aspects of capital punishment, involving various stakeholders and encouraging informed discourse on the matter. With constitutional validity, fairness, and broader societal implications under scrutiny, the conference aims to foster a deeper understanding of the death penalty’s role in the criminal justice system and its impact on human rights and justice in India.

Themes of Presentation :

  1. Theories of Punishment on Death Penalty / Deterrence and Crime Prevention.
  2. Sentencing reforms on Death Penalty / Alternatives to Capital Punishment.
  3. Constitutional Validity and Judicial Review.
  4. Ethical Dilemmas and Moral Justifications
  5. Impact on Victims and Families
  6. Global Perspectives on Capital Punishment
  7. Role of Media and Public Opinion
  8. Capital Punishment and Mental Health
  9. Death Row Conditions and Human Rights
  10. The Death Penalty and Racial Disparities
  11. International Abolition Efforts
  12. Power of Pardon and Constitutional provisions for Death row prisoners.
  13. Delay in Execution of Sentence of Death.
  14. Vulnerabilities of Death Row Prisoners.
  15. Death Sentence to women offenders.
  16. Police encounters and Death Penalty.
  17. Circumstantial evidence in Death Penalty.
  18. Application of Rarest of rare test.
  19. Media Trial and Death Penalty / Role of Media and Public Opinion
  20. Death Penalty in foreign countries.
  21. Death Penalty on false accusation / Wrongful Convictions and Exoneration
  22. Death Penalty in Honour Killing.
  23. Capital Punishment and Criminal Justice System Reform.
  24. Death by Hanging and a possible alternative mode of execution.

Research Paper – Guidelines :


1.1. Margin: Set the paper size to A4.
1.2. Fonts: The font type to be used is Times new Roman with font size of 12. Headings -16 and
subheadings-14. Please use BOLD letters for paper title
1.3. Major and secondary headings must be BOLD.
1.4. Spacing: The body of the papers should be single spaced.
1.5. Length of the Paper: The paper length should not exceed 30 pages maximum including figures,
tables, references and appendices.


2.1. Covering page: The front page of the manuscript must be organized as follows:
2.1.1. Title of the Article –Paper title to be centered , BOLD with CAPITAL Letters .
2.1.2. Author(s) name(s) and their Organization’s associated name – Both should be
2.1.3. Email addresses of all the author(s)

(NOTE : The covering page must not contain any other information other than mentioned above.)
2.2. Rest of the manuscript : From the second page, the rest of the manuscript should include the
introduction/background, main body of the paper which can be divided into sections and
subsections. Section and subsection should be numbered and should be typed in BOLD. The
manuscript should be organized as follows:

  1. A brief abstract (maximum 250 words, font 12 and in italics)
  2. Key words (maximum 6)
  3. The Introduction
  4. Main body of the paper with sections and sub-sections
  5. Methodology and Analysis
  6. Discussions and conclusions
  7. Research limitations and direction for further research
  8. References
  9. Appendices (if any)


3.1. The concept map must be an original creation of the participant or a team of participants.
Plagiarism or unauthorized use of existing concept maps is strictly prohibited.
3.2. If any specific elements of the concept map are based on existing work or ideas, proper
attribution should be provided through citations.


4.1. Manuscript should be written in English and should be submitted electronically via email as an
attachment to: Submission by any other mode will not be accepted.
4.2. Manuscripts are to be submitted as Microsoft Word document format for Windows. Other
formats will not be accepted.
4.3. No Manuscript will be accepted without the required Format. All Manuscripts Should Be
professionally proofread Before the Submission


5.1. By submitting the research paper, authors grant permission for the conference organizers to
publish the accepted papers in conference proceedings or related publications.


6.1. Abstract Submission Deadline: [20/08/2023]
6.2. Deadline for submission of full paper manuscripts: [10/09/2023].
6.3. Send your completed Research paper and accompanying description via Email provided in Para
4.1 . Please provide your contact information and affiliation.
6.4. Presentation of paper date: 15th September 2023. (Hybrid Mode)
6.5. Venue : Saveetha School of Law , Chennai – 77.


We are thrilled to announce the Quiz Competition on the topic of “Death Penalty” that will be conducted during
the upcoming “International Conference on Death Penalty.” This engaging quiz aims to test your knowledge and
understanding of various aspects related to capital punishment.

  1. QUIZ TOPIC : The quiz will focus on the subject of “Death Penalty.”
  2. QUIZ DURATION : The quiz will run for a duration of 20 minutes. Participants will have precisely 20
    minutes to answer all 15 questions.
  3. ELIGIBILITY : All participants of the “International Conference on Death Penalty” who have successfully
    registered and paid the conference fees are eligible to participate in the quiz. Please ensure you use
    the same email ID that you used for conference registration to access the quiz.
  4. QUIZ TIMING : The quiz will be accessible from 7:00 PM to 7:20 PM (Indian Standard time) on 15th
    September 2023. It will automatically close at 7:20 PM, and no extra time will be given to any
  5. QUIZ FORMAT : The quiz will comprise multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with one correct answer for
    each question. Participants cannot revisit or change their answers once submitted. The copy of your
    response will be shared to your mail ID.
  6. QUIZ ACCESS : The quiz link will be shared with all eligible participants through our official whatsapp
    group for this conference. Participants are requested to click on the provided link to access the quiz.
  7. SCORES AND RESULT : Each correct answer will be awarded one point. There will be no negative
    marking for incorrect answers. After the quiz concludes, the results will be evaluated, and the names of
    the top performers will be announced during the validitory function of this conference.
  8. QUIZ PRICE : The top performers of the quiz will receive exciting prizes and certificates of achievement.
  9. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS : ensure a stable internet connection during the quiz to avoid disruptions.
    Use a compatible device (computer, laptop, or smartphone) to access the Google Forms quiz.
    NOTE : We want to inform all participants that the organizing team will not bear any responsibility for the
    difficulties faced during the online quiz competition.

Registration :


Paper Presenters – Rs.1000(Single Author) , Rs.1,500/-(Co-Authorship)
Other Participants – Rs.700/-

Optional – Accommodation(Rooms only) – Rs. 1,200 per head

(Concession to students/academicians of Saveetha School of Law)
Paper Presenters of SSL – Rs.800(Single Author) , Rs.1,200/-(Co-Authorship)
Other Participants of SSL – Rs.500/-

● Refreshments, Lunch will be offered for all participants during the days of the conference.
● Kit pouches to all the Participants
● Appreciation certificates will be provided for all the Presenters.
● Awards will be given for Every individual event of the Conference.


● Account Name : Saveetha School of Law CME.
● Bank Name : Karur Vysya Bank.
● Account no. : 1248135000002593.
● IFSC Code : KVBL0001248.
● Branch : PH Road.


● Not more than of 250 words
● Last date for submission : 11:59:59 pm, 20.08.2023(Sunday)
● Abstracts shall be mailed to “”
● Last date for entire paper submission : 11:59:59 pm, 10.09.2023(Sunday)


● Best 50 papers will be Published on the interest/option of the Presenters(Extra Charges



Dr. B. Lavaraju, Associate Professor

Mrs.K.Niranjana, Assistant Professor

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