International Conference by Model United Nations [May 6-7; Online]

Home International Conference by Model United Nations [May 6-7; Online]

International Model United Nations is organizing an online International Conference on May 6 and 7, 2023.

About IMUN

International Model United Nations (IMUN) is an international organization that brings youth together from around the world to learn and share ideas from a diverse set of experiences and backgrounds where the Executive Board, International Press, and International Delegates consolidate to learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations.

Purpose of the Conference

IMUN Online Conference brings you the rigor, knowledge testing, and analysis of a real-world IMUN, every week. Participants get to interact with people from all over the world, brush up on their research and interpersonal skills and solve global challenges. All of this, from the comfort of their homes.

Benefits of the Conference

The skills listed are a prerequisite in today’s competitive environment. And by participating in IMUN Online Conference, you get a chance to imbibe and implement these skills.

How to Register?

Interested candidates must register for the conference through the link provided towards the end of this post.

Registration Fees

INR 799 per participant.

Committees & Topics

  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
    • Topic: Global Goals 2030: No Poverty and Zero Hunger.
  • United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
    • Topic: Sudan Crisis.
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
    • Topic: Mental health action plan: Promoting care and treatment.
  • United Nations Women (UNW)
    • Topic: Ensuring gender equality by alleviating discrimination against women.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)
    • Topic: Ensuring Quality Education & Increasing Accessibility to E-learning for Children.

Important Dates

  • Registration Deadline – May 5, 2023.
  • Date of the Event: May 6-7, 2023.

Contact Information

In case of any queries, please contact:

  • Email Address: info[at]
  • Phone Number: +91 93150 48366

Click here to register.

Click here for the official notification.
