Significance Of Public Opinion In A Democratic Society

Home Significance Of Public Opinion In A Democratic Society

History and Development of public opinion

The origin of ‘public opinion is unknown. Parallel phrases were employed by the Ancient Greeks and Romans. on the other hand, the Medieval Romans understood accord Populi in a legal sense, as opposed to the current political context.

During Medieval Times, the saying “Voice Populi, vox Dei” [the voice of the people is the voice of God]became popular. Machiavelli linked the wishes of the electorate to the creator of The Universe in the Discursive practices as well. Through France, the term “public opinion” was eventually brought into the language of Eastern Europe in its current sense as an instrument for the conditioning of government policy. Just on eve of the American Revolution, René Descartes may have been the first to utilize it.

In today’s world, democratic literature represents the justification of political conduct in terms of popular opinion. “This constant activity of public opinion is the dynamism of democracy,” writes MacIver.

Public Opinion is simply Nature

In recent decades, the idea of world sentiment has been thoroughly examined in the sphere of global philosophy. Still, there is no universal definition or purpose. Also, it is in the lack of conceptual clarity, discussions about its nature. “frequently lead to bewilderment rather than enlightenment,” as Sait puts it.

Following the establishment of government, the notion of public opinion gained prominence.

The idea is based on the following general assumptions: 

1. if the public is interested in governance; 

2. the public understands what it wishes; 

3. the community has the power to communicate what it wants; and 

4. the general public must be implemented the law.

How should public sentiment be characterized if those requirements are met? 

Most conceptions of public opinion, according to Finer, are meant to indicate one of three things:

1. A factual record. As a statement of truth, opinion can be as basic as “the Ottoman Empire has detonated a super-bomb.”

2. Belief is the second item on the list. Opinion, as a belief, entails not just a recording of facts and also their assessment. A prophecy regarding the future course of events is also included. The phrase ‘On the Berlin problem, there shall not be a war’ exemplifies the concept.

3. Have a Will. Opinion, like a will, is more than just a record and evaluation of facts; it also claims a path of action. When we ask, “Should Indians go to war over poorly thought Kashmir question-yes or not?” we imply that it is worthwhile to follow a path of action. Popular sentiment is meant to generate a tangible policy decision in the world of human movements. As a result, as Finer points out, “Politics is most tangible with popular opinion but so will, which generally results in a statute and government.”

What Does Public Opinion Mean?

The importance of public opinion in government is widely acknowledged. Bryce puts it this way: “In virtually all of history, opinion has always been the primary and final force. Governments always have relied on, and, barring exceptional circumstances, must continue to rely on, the statistical majority’s quiet acceptance, if not fondness.” People acquiesce in or offer passive assent to power in non-democratic administrations because of respect, the custom of obedience, or fear of reprisal. The power of active popular perception, however, is what distinguishes democracy. Political sovereignty is built, managed, and defined either by the weight of an actual world sentiment.

However, writers have differing views on the nature of popular opinion. Even if the democratic theory is adopted and the importance of public opinion in determining public policy is assumed, the following questions remain: “Who is the public?” “Whose perspective is it?” and “Whose opinion is it?” A political “public” might refer to anything from an unruly crowd to a well-informed minority. Again, “opinion” might be developed or presented logically or erroneously. Other issues pertaining to the idea of popular opinion have sparked significant debate.

Public Opinion as a Traditional Concept

The classic idea of public opinion became generally established in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It was founded on the simple assumption that a million people might agree and develop a public opinion on various subjects such as taxes, labour laws, and foreign policy. “The feeling and sentiments of the society, unavoidably irresistible displaying its force everywhere,” as Lieber described it, which “gives significance to the words and vitality of law; without all the national law is a lifeless husk.”

As a result, public opinion presupposes the existence of a united, homogeneous people in the backstory. Rousseau’s vision was of a society of men who were usually morally educated, engaged in their own economic parties, and free of fractional alliances. Clearly, he saw public opinion as the same. A lot of recent writers have expressed ideas that are somewhat analogous. “There is no doubt of what we imply by designating opinion ‘open,'” E.M. Sait remarked, “we mean, in the sense of long-standing usage, that it is the view of the public, the viewpoint of the population.”

When an apparent majority of its citizens share a set of beliefs, it is stated that a popular opinion has emerged. “The phrase (public opinion) is often employed to indicate the composites of men’s ideas on topics that affect or interest the community,” writes Bryce. The thoughts of an entire nation as embodied or supported by different waves of ideas, each of which represents or supports a point of view, a theory, or a practical proposition. But they have a greater quantity or intensity of crystallizers under them, certain currents generate more velocity than others.

When one is clearly the largest, it is dubbed “public perception par extraordinaire,” and it is considered to represent the opinions held by the majority of people.”

The community’s view, thus according to A. Lawrence Lowell has never been unified. Generally, it is rather split. Only when a number of consumers approve of a perspective can it be called public. Any rebellious party must willingly adopt the mainstream opinion as a method of conviction instead of compulsion. According to Lowell, the dominant view cannot be termed public if a small withholds permission or provides it hesitantly or grudgingly.


This article examines how the idea of public opinion arose in the aftermath of democracy. As the tools for expressing one’s view, such as constitutionally protected rights, elections, opposition leaders, and so on, were more readily available, the significance of popular perception in governance became widely acknowledged. As a result, world opinion theory is a byproduct of politics as a system of government. Public opinion’s importance in political dynamics is based on its potential to affect government.

The outcome of the fight between belief and reality ultimately determines the role of public opinions in a democratic government. In recent years, a fundamental divide has emerged as to what is but what people perceive to be as a result of sophisticated control of personal view processes by interested parties. Facts are blatantly distorted, and overtures to people’s irrational emotions and biases are routinely used. When a powerful figure or a capitalist controls the key perspective agencies such as newspapers and radio, the procedure of fact corruption is finished. As a result, public opinion contributes to the development of democratization and leadership,, as well as for the citizens.
