Role of ISRO in shaping the Indian Space Law: Explained with case laws

Home Role of ISRO in shaping the Indian Space Law: Explained with case laws


One of the most well-known space organizations in the world, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is well-known for its innovative space missions, state-of-the-art satellite technology, and affordable space solutions. Since its founding in 1969, ISRO has been essential to India’s progress in satellite communication, scientific research, and space exploration. But ISRO’s influence goes well beyond its technological accomplishments. Being the main space organization in India, ISRO has had a big impact on the evolution of space law both domestically and globally.

The rapidly developing discipline of space law regulates space travel, satellite launches, and celestial body exploration. The necessity for precise legal structures to control space exploration activities increased as India became a more active player in the global space race. Domestic legislation that complies with international space treaties and conventions has been required as a result of ISRO’s operations, which include satellite launches, lunar excursions, and Mars missions. India’s approach to space law has been influenced by ISRO’s adherence to these treaties, which guarantee the peaceful and responsible use of space.

Furthermore, ISRO’s role has grown to include private sector participation in response to the boom in commercial interest in space operations, which has helped India’s space economy flourish. There are still issues, though, including managing space trash, regulating private businesses, and safeguarding national security interests. To navigate these challenges and create a future where space law develops in step with technological progress, ISRO has had a significant impact on India’s space legal framework.


India’s space exploration path has been greatly aided by ISRO, whose space technology and missions have highlighted the importance of a strong legal framework. ISRO has played a significant role in establishing space law in India throughout the years, attending to both the nation’s legal requirements and its international commitments.

ISRO’s major contributions to Indian space legislation include:

  • Space Law Frameworks and their development-

India’s foray into space exploration, symbolized by the founding of ISRO in 1969, made the development of a legislative framework to oversee space-related operations necessary. An important piece of legislation that established the fundamental legal framework for ISRO’s operations was the Indian Space Research Organization Act, 1969. The act described the organization’s larger space-related activities as well as its involvement in satellite construction, research, and launch.

Despite its primary focus on administrative matters, such as the formation of ISRO’s governance, it was essential in establishing the framework for India’s strategy for space activity regulation. Additionally, this law established the framework for subsequent space law legislation, emphasizing the necessity of national laws that conform to international norms.

  • International Treaties & Cooperation-

India’s adherence to international space law has been greatly influenced by ISRO’s active involvement in international partnerships. ISRO has assisted India in ratifying important international agreements that regulate space exploration as a participant in several international space initiatives such as

India abides by the Outer Space Treaty (1976), which was signed by the country. Its tenets include the peaceful use of space and the non-appropriation of it. India’s space activities are kept in line with the international commitment to the peaceful exploration and use of space thanks to ISRO’s missions, like the Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan, which are carried out in accordance with these principles.

To maintain the safety and cooperation of space exploration, participants in the Rescue Agreement (1968) are required to aid astronauts in crisis. India’s dedication to these humanitarian ideals is demonstrated by ISRO’s assistance with international rescue missions, including its coordination with other space organizations.

The Liability Convention (1972) lays forth the grounds for spacefaring countries to be held accountable when their spacecraft injure people or property on Earth or in space. In order to protect India’s and other spacefaring countries’ legal interests, ISRO makes sure that its operations adhere to this treaty.

  • Commercialization of Space Activities-

ISRO has made space activities more accessible to the business sector in recent years. An important turning point in India’s space technology commercialization was the founding of Antrix Corporation in 1992 as ISRO’s commercial division. Antrix is in charge of data services, satellite capacity leasing, and the marketing and commercialization of satellite launches.

This action highlighted crucial legal questions about the regulation of private companies in the space industry and made a substantial contribution to the growth of India’s space economy. Updated national laws and policies, including frameworks that oversee commercial space endeavours and guarantee adherence to both domestic and international norms, are necessary for light of the growing role of private organizations in space activities.

Space Policies & the Need for National Legislation

India currently does not have a complete, independent national legislation that regulates all facets of space activity, despite having made great progress in this area. In order to control many aspects of space exploration, including satellite launches, space missions, and private enterprises’ involvement in space activities, the Space Activities Bill, 2017 was created. This law is an important step in India’s efforts to create a thorough legal framework for space activities, even if it has not yet been passed.

The purpose of the proposed law is to guarantee that India’s space operations, especially those involving private sector participation, are carried out in accordance with national and international laws. The bill ensures India’s adherence to changing international space law standards by addressing several important issues, including space debris control, accountability for damages, and space traffic management.


Indian Space Research Organisation v. M/s. G. V. A. S. R. Limited (1996):

This case marked a turning point in the history of space industry contract conflicts. The case focused on whether ISRO might be held accountable for losses brought on by satellite launch delays. The court decided that ISRO was immune from lawsuits pertaining to its space operations and that it could not be held accountable for these delays. This decision upheld the idea of sovereign immunity in space operations, which is frequently observed in space organizations that are run by the government.

Satcom v. ISRO (2007):

A private satellite communication company sued ISRO in this case for postponing the satellite launch. The case sparked debate over ISRO’s obligations under commercial agreements as a state-run agency. While ISRO fulfilled both public and private duties, the ruling made clear that its sovereign functions were not subject to the same legal norms as those of private corporations. It also emphasized the separation between ISRO’s governmental and commercial activities.

Rajeev Bhatnagar v. ISRO (2010):

The abuse of satellite communication for illicit purposes was the subject of this case. Rajeev Bhatnagar, the petitioner, contested the absence of stringent laws governing satellite broadcast monitoring. In addition to stressing the necessity of more robust regulatory frameworks for satellite communication, the Supreme Court recommended that ISRO engage with other organizations to monitor and control the use of satellite technology for illicit purposes. This case sparked concerns regarding Indian space law and national security issues.


As India’s space activities continue to expand, many space law issues have surfaced that must be resolved to guarantee the egalitarian, sustainable, and safe use of space. Commercialization and sovereignty are two of the main issues. The growing participation of private entities in space endeavours has prompted intricate legal inquiries concerning the oversight of commercial space businesses. Establishing distinct legal boundaries between commercial and governmental space operations is vital, even while private businesses in India like SpaceX India and Skyroot Aerospace are spearheading advancements.

Furthermore, this commercialization makes it difficult to guarantee that national sovereignty is maintained, particularly since private enterprises may enter into international partnerships that could affect national security or lead to disputes over the use of space resources. Environmental issues and space debris present yet another formidable obstacle. There is a greater chance of producing space debris as more satellites are sent into orbit, which could endanger ongoing satellites and space missions. The legal and environmental obligations related to reducing space debris and guaranteeing the long-term viability of space activities must be taken into consideration in ISRO’s expanding launch portfolio. This calls for the creation of both domestic regulations that comply with international standards for debris mitigation and space clean-up, as well as international frameworks for debris management.

Additionally, the management of space traffic has grown in importance, particularly with the introduction of massive satellite constellations like the OneWeb project. To keep space infrastructure secure and dependable, it is essential to control the heavy traffic of satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO) and avoid collisions. To address this issue, new legal procedures that govern satellite orbits, collision avoidance, and satellite deorbiting at the end of their life cycle would be needed. The future of ISRO will be crucial in forming the international agreements and legislative frameworks required to handle these issues as they arise, guaranteeing that India continues to be a responsible spacefaring country while encouraging private-sector innovation.


India’s space law has been greatly influenced by ISRO, which has also promoted the nation’s space exploration. India’s expanding space industry has been made possible by ISRO’s creation of a legislative framework for space operations, its involvement in international treaties, and its aggressive stance on environmental and commercialization issues. As the private sector becomes more involved in space, ISRO’s role in creating and enforcing strong regulatory frameworks will be crucial to strike a balance between innovation, international commitments, and national security.

Thus, continuous leadership is needed to advance space law, particularly in areas like debris mitigation and space traffic management. To ensure that space operations continue to be safe, sustainable, and guided by ideals that support the peaceful and just use of space, ISRO’s knowledge and experience will be essential. India’s stance as a responsible spacefaring nation would be guided by ISRO’s contributions as the global space scene changes.
