Child labour exploitation
According to the Children’s Act (Prohibition and Laws), the “child” In 1986, was under 14 years of age. As ordinary people, we understand that raising a child is a matter of economic, partial, or complete procreation. Based on time. Every child is considered a gift from God and must grow up in a caring and loving environment within the family and community. Unfortunately, because of the economic crisis, children are forced to work in factories, leather factories, hotels, and restaurants.
Child labour is uncommon but related to environmental economic problems, so we must first focus on economic and social issues to address child labour. It is in the hands of supervisors. He must come up with better ways to treat children.
Main purpose of Child Operation (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986
The main purpose of the 1986 Child Operation (Prohibition and Regulation) Act is to address the social problem and prohibit the employment of children under the age of 14 in certain workplaces and regulate the working conditions of prohibited children.
- manufacture of bidi in occupations related to the carriage of passengers, goods or mail by rail
- carpet weaving
- production of matches, explosives and fire
- soap production
- wool cleaning
- building and the construction industry.
The government also banned children from working in the following occupations or processes:
(i) Slaughterhouses / Slaughterhouses
(ii) Dangerous Processes and Dangerous Operations as Notified
(iii) Printing,
(iv) Cashew and Starch Reduction and Processing 9
(v) soldering processes in the electronics industry.
The law prohibits a child from engaging in about 13 occupations and 51 periods.
[1] The fundamental rights enshrined in Article 24 of the Indian Constitution (Land Law), the Right to Exploitation, also prohibit the use of children in factories.
[2] No child may work more than 3 hours before an hour break. The spread was set at six hours. A child cannot work in more than one enterprise on any given day. Weekly vacation is allowed. The law also provides health and safety measures for children.
Section 13 of the law provides for drinking water, toilets and urinals, cleaning, disposal of waste and waste, ventilation and heating, etc. for child workers. Provision must be provided by the employer. Dust and smoke protection, artificial humidification, car fencing, etc. Measures for this must also be provided by the employer.
The employer must notify the Factory Inspectors if they hire a child. According to the law, the production of an age certificate is also required.
Maintenance of the register:
Each occupier will maintain a register to be inspected by an inspector at all times during working hours or when work is being carried out in connection with children working or permitted to work in any establishment.
- Name and date of birth of each child who works or is allowed to work
- Such a child’s working hours and periods and the right rest intervals
- The nature of the work of such a child
- Other features that can be assigned.
Provisions on child workers under various laws:
Factory Law, 1948:
Section 22 of the law states that no young person may be allowed to clean, lubricate or adjust any part of a vehicle, which puts them at risk of injury from any moving part of the vehicle or adjacent machinery.
Article 23 of the law stipulates that no young person is allowed to be employed in dangerous vehicles.
Article 27 of the law prohibits children from working in any part of the factories to press cotton where the cotton key is in the workplace.
Beedi and Cigarette Workers (Working Conditions) Act, 1966:
Article 24 of the law stipulates that a child working in this industry is strictly prohibited from working under this law.
Plantation Labor Law, 1951 :
Section 25 of the law states that women and children may be employed only between 6 and 7 p.m. After these hours, they can work only with the permission of the State Government.
Domestic Workers (Note Social Security and Welfare) Act, 2008:
Article 14 of the law stipulates that no child may be employed as a domestic worker or for any casual or ancillary work prohibited by law.
Reserve for fines under the law:
Any employer
- To hire any child in violation of the law – a fine of not less than 3 months or a fine of less than $ 1 million. It can last up to 10,000. 20,000 or both.
- For the same second offense – at least 6 months imprisonment, up to 2 years.
- Failure to keep a record – a simple imprisonment of up to 1 month or up to R. 10,000 or both.
It looks at the most frequently asked questions about child labour. Is there a law against child labour in India?
There is a law in India that prohibits and regulates child labour and age. Child Labor Proclamation (Prohibition and Regulation) It was established in 1986 to protect the country’s young generation and meet the basic needs of adults. Article 24 of the Anti-Exploitation Act in the Indian Constitution (Land Law) prohibits children from working in factories, etc.
Current Child-Scrofio:
- India is one of the richest countries in Asia with 33 million children who have been exploited in various ways by children. Children should work around the world.
- International Day of Child Labor on June 12 is an ILO-approved holiday launched in 2002 with the aim of raising awareness and taking action to prevent child abuse at the above-mentioned conference. Some 150 million people are engaged in child rearing worldwide what UNICEF did.
- On the other hand, Article 2 of the ILO Convention, 1919 adopted by India does not allow children under the age of 14 to work in any government or business, no longer applicable in India.
What are the duties of an employer and a child?
The first and foremost responsibility of the employer is to inform the factory supervisor if a child is involved. Legal documents are also required by law.
Every employee should be aware of children who are permitted to work or work in any environment, and the supervisor will be required to appear during full-time work or work.
- As a result, the name and date of any child who is allowed to work or work
- The hours and hours of work of such a child are and their time
- The nature of such child labor
- Some of these can be ordered.
What is there about the penalty for disobeying child labor laws?
Punishment of all employers for non-compliance with the Prohibition and Regulations of 1986 Act.
Enrolling any child in violation of the law – imprisonment for at least 3 or 4 months birr. 10000 to R. 20000, or both. In the second case – imprisonment for at least 6 months to 2 years.
Fundamental Rights and the Environment » The Legal Lock
August 8, 2021[…] has favoured us with plentiful assets and a contamination-free climate, and it is our commitment as residents to protect these for people in the future. Consequently, intergenerational decency is significant […]