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Feb 18, 2022 WRITE-UPS


Start-ups will be given up to Rs. 50 lakhs in convertible debentures or debt-linked instruments to help them enter the market commercialise their products or scale-up. It will aid in the development of a vibrant start-up environment in Tier 2 and Tier 3 regions, as smaller towns in India are frequently underfunded. 

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Feb 18, 2022 WRITE-UPS

What is Judicial Separation? All you must know!

In simple words, Judicial Separation is different from Divorce. Divorce puts the relationship to an end and all the rights and obligations of both the spouses cease to exist. However, judicial separation merely suspends marital rights and duties for a specific period.

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Feb 18, 2022 WRITE-UPS

What is Judicial Activism? All you must know!

The origin of it traces back to the era of the British empire when their Constitution was not written in the 1600s. The then Chief Justice Coke said that if any law made by the Parliament is against the principle of common law and reason then the Court has the power to review it and declare it Void.

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