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Apr 07, 2022 Law Notes WRITE-UPS


Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code exempts Sexual intercourse by a man with his own wife, the wife not being under eighteen years of age, is not rape. In India, it is perfectly legal for a man to rape a woman as long as they are married. 

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Apr 06, 2022 WRITE-UPS

Status of Women in Hinduism and Islam

Communal harmony and religious brotherhood have been sustained as the sacramental duty by the citizens of India. Different personal laws exist in the country as it is a home to many cultures and religious faiths. Two major branches of personal laws are Muslim Law and Hindu Law.

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Mar 13, 2022 WRITE-UPS

Kerala HC on the definition of rape in the recent judgment

According to the news agency that was trending at the PTI, a divisional court of the Kerala high court did extend the definition of the term rape, saying that any type of non-penetrative sexual act which is between a victim’s thighs that produces a sensation similar to penetration will also be considered rape.

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